News/SALE T&Cs
US advertising market to grow to $377b
Spending on advertising in the US is expected to increase 11.4% to $377bn this year, according to Magna. Improving macroeconomic conditions and high consumer demand for digital, streaming and cyclical events, including the Olympics and the presidential election, caused the media agency to revise its forecast up from June when it projected annual growth of […]
Advertising Standards Authority appoints Ann Marie Lenihan, Clare Mulcahy and Michael O’Keeffe to the organisation’s Board
The Advertising Standards Authority, the independent advertising self-regulatory body responsible for promoting, regulating and enforcing the highest standards of marketing communications in Ireland, has appointed Ann Marie Lenihan, Clare Mulcahy, and Michael O’Keeffe to its Board. The appointments of Clare Mulcahy and Michael O’Keeffe to the Board represent a significant milestone for the Advertising Standards […]
NOW ON! Our Sale! Book now, save money and Ads can appear anytime! Just click the videos here which explains it! Copy
You’ll see the Sale offers on the homepage and just click and book. Once you book at today’s prices, the Ads can appear anytime. Including 2025! so you avoid any media price increases. SUNSHINE RADIO Buy 40 Spots (30 seconds) on Sunshine Radio (Dublin’s number one station) for €4,000. Save over 50% […]
RTE puts up price of ad slots on Late Late Toy Show
From Irish Indo – and don’t buy from RTE, buy from us. It’ll be cheaper!: RTE is increasing the price it is charging advertisers for slots on this year’s Late Late Tow Show, which will be broadcast on December 6. The station says it is the first time in three years that prices have gone […]
New Podcast Series Explores ‘The Story of Advertising’
From IMJ Adworld (Bold is ours!! see? Told ya): A new 11-part podcast series called The Story of Advertising (And My Part in its Downfall) has been launched by Stuart Fogarty, one of the Irish advertising industry’s leading lights over the last 40 years. The new series, which is available on audio platforms like Spotify, […]
The Podcast. The Story of Advertising (and my part in its downfall….)
You might enjoy…..11 weekly Episodes, 3 live now on IMJ/Adworld, Apple, Spotify, Acast, Buzzsprout and pretty much, wherever you get your Podcast. Or here
The Cats…The Dogs…the Trumps.
Sorry, we should stay away from politics but when it comes to cats….(social media can really work, sometimes). John Stewart RPReplay_Final172606275 RPReplay_Final1726063798
The Irish Times view on the regulation of social media: first, enforce the rules that are there There may be a case for new controls, but recent Irish and EU laws gives regulators significant powers
From Irish Times (obviously): Ever since the advent of social media two decades ago, the big companies have argued that the best form of regulation is self-regulation. They have had a considerable degree of success in persuading governments about the merits of this approach. However, the damaging impact of social media and gaps in the […]
NOW ON! Our Sale! Book now, save money and Ads can appear anytime! Just click the videos here which explains it!
You’ll see the Sale offers on the homepage and just click and book. Once you book at today’s prices, the Ads can appear anytime. Including 2025! so you avoid any media price increases. SUNSHINE RADIO Buy 40 Spots (30 seconds) on Sunshine Radio (Dublin’s number one station) for €4,000. Save over 50% […]
Fame at last. New York Times!
There’s John McGee of advertising fame, reading the New York Times in Ireland this morning and this popped up…..and he kindly sent it on. There’s targeting for you.