November 10 NEW JNLR (Radio Listenership) Out today.
If you’re running a Radio Station, you can’t underestimate the power of The JNLR for your business. It basically determines how much Ad money you’re getting to get before the next one because it measures audiences (listeners).
The JNLR is the Joint National Listenership Research which is an industry research project conducted on behalf of the Irish radio industry. Radio is a key medium for Irish people with 78% (3.18m) of the total adult population tuning in daily. Very unlike the UK market for example, where Radio plays a much smaller role. See Universal McCanns (UM) summary below but we have all the detailed results, so just ask!
This November 2022 report shows that radio enjoys huge audience numbers with 79% of Irish adults and 68% of 15-34 year olds listening to radio every week. Remember too, we’ve strong deals on RTE Radio including Morning Ireland! See them in the RTE Radio section on the homepage.
See the Universal McCann summary below by clicking ‘JNLR Summary’ (obviously!)and below it, a station-by-station analysis too.
The main highlights are as follows:
- While overall we’re seeing a slight decrease in programme listenership midweek, there’s a significant increase in weekend listening such as the Business and Playback.
- Morning Ireland is still the most tuned in radio programme nationwide.
- Radio One still has the largest market share nationally across a number of audiences.
- JNLR Summary Q3 2022
- JNLR Q3 2022 station breakdown